Featured Products

Solvents are used by a number of industries to dissolve or dilute other substances or materials. They are also utilized as chemical intermediates, fuels or even components in a wide range of products. At SCL, we work with reliable partners to ensure quality control and consistency – from aliphatic to aromatic and ester solvents.

Used predominantly by customers in the food industry, alcohol important in the manufacturing of beverages, but they can also serve as a component in antifreezes, solvents and fuels. SCL works with suppliers that provide high-quality raw materials, free from foreign odors and tastes, delivering predictable and repeatable results.

Reliable cleaners help you to effectively reduce the chemicals used by your machines and lower waste generation, ultimately leading to a more optimal performance. SCL offers a range of cleaners to improve the quality and life of your components, provide a better working environment, and address all of your specialty cleaning needs.

Glycols are important for chiller units at breweries and wineries, and they help keep processing consistent. We offer a wide range of food-grade specifications to meet applications from kosher to halal as well as H1, H2 and H3 designations.

At SCL, we coordinate deliveries to your facility, and even work to ensure re-ordering occurs when it needs to so that you can concentrate on the everyday demands of your business.

Plant and Equipment Surveys
SCL experts who conduct plant and equipment surveys look at everything from product storage to current equipment applications, providing a third-party perspective aimed at improving your bottom line.

Equipment Programs
SCL is a full-service equipment solutions company. We understand no two clients are alike, which is why we customize your equipment program to match your organization's needs.
Client Story
“Our equipment is a $3 million investment. If at any given time, any of our machines go down it will impact our entire operation and all the employees of the company.”
—Alex Uribe, Operations Manager, AGRI SERVICE